Black Silk Panties.【電子書籍】[ Michael J. Elliott ]


<p>Jacob O'Halloran is a 46 year old bachelor and has never had a relationship with a woman...or anything else for that matter. It's hard to get your motor running when your religious-zealot mother is still haranguing you with guilt from beyond the grave. So he does the next best thing: he lifts women's panties from clotheslines.</p> <p>A nice safe way way to relieve his tensions right? At least it was until he picks the wrong clothesine and nabs not only the silky goods but also a whole lot of trouble from Audrey, their owner.</p> <p>Audrey has some disturbing issues of her own. Those black silk panties are about to land Jacob in a world of trouble and pain.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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