The Black Panties【電子書籍】[ Tremayne Tillman ]


<p>When a pair of soiled undergarments is found in the pews, it truly shocks the first lady of the church. Who among her Christian brothers and sisters would bother to leave them there and why?<br /> Could it be Keisha, her eldest daughter, who kept another secret from her months ago? Questioning the bond the two of them have, there's no telling what she is hiding.<br /> Or is it possibly Carol and Steve, ex-congregants placed in previous scandal? Have they returned just one more time to taint their holy grounds or worship?<br /> Or maybe it's Frederick, a reserved older man, whose secret fetish was publicized. And strangely enough, on the day of discovery, he decides to show his face once again.<br /> Dark secrets and jaded pasts are all laid bare as they search for the culprit.<br /> One thing's for sure; in the house of God, this small pair of panties has made a big mess!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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